John Martin Bland
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About me
Statistics Courses in the Department of Health Sciences, University of York.
Design and analysis of measurement studies
Design and analysis
of clustered studies
Directory of randomisation software and services.
Statistics Guide for Research Grant Applicants.
Written by Martin Bland, Barbara Butland, Janet Peacock, Jan Poloniecki, Fiona Reid,
and Philip Sedgwick,
this guide to completing grant applications originated at
St. George's Hospital Medical School, Unversity of London,
but is now maintained on this site.
A PDF version of the Guide can also be downloaded.
Comparing proportions in overlapping samples,
an unpublished paper by Martin Bland and Barbara Butland.
Other material
For students at York
British Standards Institution Study Day
York Hospital
I am always known as "Martin Bland", never "John Bland".
I am Emeritus Professor of Health Statistics in the Department of Health Sciences,
University of York.
Email me:
Phone me: (+44) (0)1904 321334
Fax me: (+44) (0)1904 321382
Write to me:
Department of Health Sciences
Seebohm Rowntree Building
University of York
York YO10 5DD
This page maintained by Martin Bland.
Last updated: 5 February, 2020.
Visitors since 20 October, 2003:
Visitor count passed 20,000 in April 2007, 50,000 in April 2011.
Web count kindly provided by